Using Sentinel Nodes

A common practice when implementing a link list is to use sentinel nodes.

  • Sentinel nodes are dummy nodes that you add to both ends of your lined list.
  • You will have the head and the tail pointer to always point to sentinel nodes.
  • Sentinel nodes will be constructed by the constructor; they will never be removed nor updated.
  • You should not count the sentinel nodes as elements of the data structure.
  • The sentinel nodes should not be considered when iterating over the elements of the data structure.

Here is the constructor of LinkedList building the sentinel nodes:

public LinkedList() {
  head = new Node<>(null, this);
  tail = new Node<>(null, this); = tail;
  tail.prev = head;
  numElements = 0;

Using sentinel nodes eliminates many of the edge cases that arise in implementation of operations of a linked list.

Exercise Update the implementation of insertFront. Considering head and tail point to sentinel nodes.

public Position<T> insertFront(T data) {
  if (head == null) {
    head = new Node<T>(data, this);
    tail = head;
    numElements += 1;
    return head;

  Node<T> newFront = new Node<T>(data, this);

  Node<T> currFront = head; = currFront;
  currFront.prev = newFront;
  head = newFront;

  numElements += 1;
  return newFront;

We don't need to treat the case where head == null differently as that never be the case with a sentinel node implementation.

public Position<T> insertFront(T data) {
  Node<T> newFront = new Node<T>(data, this);

  Node<T> currFront =; = currFront;
  currFront.prev = newFront; = newFront;
  newFront.prev = head;

  numElements += 1;
  return newFront;